

Meetings, Monthly

2nd Tuesday, 7:00pm
(location varies)

Neighbor Dems


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Two great ways to get involved…

July 27th, 2023 by secretary in Announcements

by Chairman Keith Sonia

Feel like rolling up your sleeves and getting to work on growing the Beverly Dems? There are two great ways to get involved!

First: Beverly Dems will have a table at LobsterFest on August 2nd, and needs help with staffing our table during the day. We love chatting with our neighbors about why we’re Democrats and why they should consider joining. To help us do that this year, consider signing up for a shift! To get involved, reach out to Committee Vice Chair Norrie Gall at

Second: Join the Beverly Dems Subcommittee on Growth! With membership papers soon to be released, now is the time to get new members involved and to elect them onto the committee. If you’d like to help us strategize, join our subcommittee meeting on Wednesday August 9th on Zoom below. (For just this month, we’ll meet on Weds. at 6:30 PM; our next regular meeting will go back to Tuesday in September.)

Keith Sonia is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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